Non-compliance with the rule in the section IV point 10 of “The Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies”
No. 1/ 2013  | 16-05-2013

Regulatory announcement no 1 CG /2013

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. ("PKN ORLEN", “Company”) announces that the Company currently does not apply the rule included in the section IV point 10 of “The Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” which says that the Company should enable its Shareholders to participate in a general meeting using electronic communication means through real-life broadcast of general meeting and real-time bilateral communication (elements of “electronic general meeting”).

PKN ORLEN Management Board twice proposed to Shareholders to introduce to the Company’s Articles of Association and to the Rules of Procedure for the General Shareholders Meeting the provisions enabling organization of the electronic general meetings. The Management Board proposition has not been accepted by the Shareholders during Annual General Meetings held on 29 June 2011 and 30 May 2012.

In the Management Board opinion non-compliance with the above-mentioned rule will not affect Company’s information policy as well as does not cause a risk of restrictions or difficulties for Shareholders to participate in the general meetings.

The Company’s Management Board declares that other rules regarding organization of general meetings are applying. The Company complies with the law provisions as regards of general meetings and aims to realize relevant information policy. PKN ORLEN organizes direct internet transmissions with simultaneous translation into English from general meetings. Video records are stored on the Company’s website

The Company does not exclude to adopt above-mentioned rule in the future.


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