
ORLEN Group company partners with Robert Kubica and DTM team

​ORLEN Team ART is the name of a new team that will compete in this year’s DTM series. The main sponsor of the new stable will be ORLEN Deutschland, with ORLEN Team driver Robert Kubica taking the wheel of the BMW M4 DTM. Besides Formula 1, DTM is another element of the ORLEN brand promotion on global markets.

“Sports sponsorship is an excellent way to reach global audiences and to strengthen brand recognition and business position, which are crucial for our strategy of building a uniform corporate image on international markets. DTM is the most important racing series in Germany, one of key markets for us. We earned an operating profit of PLN 464m Germany in 2019, with sales up 4% at the time in value terms. Our profit margins and non-fuel sales also increased, doubling the number of very popular star Connect food courts last year,” says Daniel Obajtek, CEO and President of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN.

“Polish companies are making ever-bolder inroads into international markets, emerging as recognizable brands promoting Poland. PKN ORLEN’s sponsorship of Polish teams and athletes, its involvement in Formula 1 and, now, in car races are contributing to the building of Poland’s image worldwide. It fills us with great pride to see Poland’s national colors of white and red at the most important sports events around the world,” says Jacek Sasin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets.

Robert Kubica will race behind the wheel of the BMW M4 DTM with over 600 horsepower. The car will be covered with ORLEN Group logos. The livery will be mostly white and red, the two colours common to ORLEN and star brands. Logos will also be displayed on the driver’s race suit and helmet, crew clothing, garage, and motorhome.

“DTM has sporting and technical excellence. I’ve been thinking about racing in the series for a long time. During testing in December, I felt comfortable and confident in the car almost right away, which is vital if you want to drive faster and break new limits. I am happy to be able to race with the new white-and-red team this season and to represent the ORLEN Team on Europe’s iconic racing tracks. The Team will be managed and operated by the award-winning ART Grand Prix team. I also count on Polish fans to support me. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed” says Robert Kubica, ORLEN Team ART driver.

There are 585 star service stations operating in Germany; they have undergone a co-branding process in recent months. In addition to the well-known German star brand, the pumps, price pylons and screens inside the stations display the ORLEN logo. The co-branding process is also being carried out at 415 service stations in the Czech Republic and at 10 service stations in Slovakia, which operate under the Benzina brand.

“By getting involved in DTM we are thinking primarily of the German market, where the series is extremely popular, although the races are also followed by motorsport fans around the world, including Poland. Every year 600,000 spectators in seven countries watch the races live from the stands. Our joint involvement in the DTM, the Dakar Rally and the presence of German competitors on the ORLEN Team all contribute to the strengthening of the brand’s recognition in Germany,” says Waldemar Bogusch, President of the Management Board of ORLEN Deutschland.

The DTM (Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters) is the most important racing series in Germany and the most prestigious touring car racing series in Europe. Twenty races on ten most exciting tracks in seven European countries will be held in the 2020 season. The races will be watched by fans on such legendary tracks as Monza (Italy), Brands Hatch (UK) and Nürburgring (Germany). DTM races are also broadcast on television in 50 countries worldwide. The season will start on the last weekend of April on Belgium’s Zolder track and end on October 4th on Germany’s Hockenheimring.