About US
Charity policy
The Charity policy stands as an essential element of the ORLEN Group’s commitment to social responsibility, serving as a tool for implementing its Sustainable Development Strategy 2024-2030 within the ‘Society’ pillar. The ORLEN Group’s Sustainable Development Strategy addresses the growing expectations of Investors, who increasingly pay attention to how companies demonstrate concrete commitment to sustainability goals.
Corporate social responsibility is about creating business value in a sustainable manner that ensures consistency between business objectives and a social agenda, with future generations and the environment in mind. It is grounded in the Group’s core values of Responsibility, Development, People, Energy and Reliability. ORLEN’s approach is underpinned by its commitment to business ethics, respect for human rights and anti-corruption. Its relationships with stakeholders are built on mutual respect and partnership.
By pursuing its Charity policy, ORLEN demonstrates how it fulfils the role of a responsible corporate citizen and employer, a member of the community and a good neighbour. Behind its declaration of being open to the world around, responsive to people’s needs and ready to help, there are concrete actions. ORLEN’s charitable engagement is a response to the needs of its stakeholders, mainly local communities. The nationwide coverage of many initiatives makes it possible to reach areas where help is needed and the Company’s support makes a real change in the life of communities.
Charitable giving is just one facet of ORLEN’s assistance initiatives. Equally important are its social outreach programmes, employee volunteer activities supported by corporate foundations (the ORLEN Foundation, the PGNiG Ignacy Łukasiewicz Foundation and the ORLEN Foundation for Pomerania), as well as sponsorship projects.
ORLEN’s Charity policy establishes clear principles for giving, using, and accounting for gifts and donations. There is also a Group-wide Organisational Standard for Delivery of the Charity policy by companies of the ORLEN Group.