
GHG emissions

In line with the ORLEN2030 strategy and Net Zero target for 2050, ORLEN Group reports its annual total greenhouse gas emissions in Scope 1, 2 and 3. We publish information on our own GHG emissions, those generated by suppliers and those related to the use of products by end users. GHG emissions from the years 2019-2022 have been calculated according to Operational Control methodology including the whole ORLEN Group with the former LOTOS Group and PGNiG Group, and reported in December 2023.


CO2, CH4 i N2O

Emissions in 2022
[t CO2e]

CO2 in t CO2e

CH4 in t CO2e

 N2O in t CO2e

28 304 582

27 409 971

773 659

93 926

Emissions in 2021
[t CO2e]
CO2 in t CO2e  CH4 in t CO2e  N2O in t CO2e 
27 279 480 26 306 303 855 832 83 613

Emissions in 2020
[t CO2e]

CO2 in t CO2e

2020 CH4 in t CO2e

2020 N2O in t CO2e

26 458 961

25 588 265

769 422

65 645

Emissions in 2019
[t CO2e]

CO2 in t CO2e

CH4 in t CO2e

N2O in t CO2e

27 750 219

26 877 559

759 019

80 322

