
We are Central Europe’s leader in energy transition. We fuel the future sustainably, maintaining our commitment to sustainable development and seeking to reduce our impact on climate change. By building the position of the regional leader of the energy transformation, we implement clean, environmentally friendly technologies and energy based on low- and zero-emission generation sources. Our activities are subordinated to the implementation of the strategy of achieving emission neutrality by 2050.

Decarbonisation strategy

In 2020, ORLEN, as the first oil and gas company in Central Europe, declared the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The decarbonisation plans are a key element of the ORLEN Group's business strategy and this is why the company has increased its GHG emissions reduction 2030 targets.

Climate Governance

Reducing our environmental footprint and climate impact has long been one of the ORLEN Group’s top priorities. Our approach to management is based on the principles of corporate social responsibility and takes into account environmental criteria. We aim for sustainable development, and we report the results of our climate and environmental protection efforts.

Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability is the driving force behind the ORLEN2030 strategy. Therefore, the ORLEN Group Sustainable Development Strategy 2021–2023 has been integrated with the ORLEN2030 business strategy and our decarbonisation strategy until 2050. The three documents aim to support an ambitious business agenda for the next decade, strengthen our financial performance and build long-term value for all stakeholders. 

What we do?

See also


Green Finance


Reports and indicators