
Climate Governance

Reducing our environmental footprint and climate impact has long been one of the ORLEN Group’s top priorities. Our approach to management is based on the principles of corporate social responsibility and takes into account environmental criteria. We aim for sustainable development, and we report the results of our climate and environmental protection efforts.


ORLEN Group Climate Policy

The ORLEN Group’s strategy is aligned with the global trends where the role of renewable energy and advanced petrochemicals is getting ever more prominent. Our objective is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Planned progress towards this target is defined in our strategy and the ORLEN Group Climate Policy.

Climate Governance

The management of climate change risks and opportunities falls within the remit of the President of the Management Board and the Member of the Management Board for Energy and Energy Transition, who acts as the Representative for Climate and Sustainability and chairs the Climate and Sustainability Council. The Council reports directly to the Management Board through meetings of the Strategy Committee


  • supervises sustainability and climate-related issues (identifies and mitigates risks related to climate and sustainability);
  • takes measures and initiates the organisation’s response to sustainability and climate-related issues, ensuring the measures are commensurate with the severity of a particular issue to the company.

Reports annually:

  • on relevant processes and on how frequently the management board and/or management board committees (audit, risk or other committees) are updated on and address at their meetings sustainability and climate-related issues;
  • on whether the management board and/or management committees consider sustainability and climate-related issues, problems identified during strategy reviews and management, key action plans, management policies, and annual budgets;
  • on how the management board monitors and oversees progress in achieving sustainability and climate-related objectives and tasks.


  • identifies and monitors climate-related risks and opportunities;
  • analyses financial and climate-related risks and their impact on the ORLEN Group’s finances;
  • publishes scenarios analysing resilience of the ORLEN Group's strategy to climate change;
  • approves sustainability metrics for the ORLEN Group.



Function in the Council


Member of the Management Board for Energy and Energy Transition – Representative of the ORLEN Management Board for Climate and Sustainability



Executive Director for Finance Management

Deputy Chairman


Executive Director, Strategy & Innovation and Investor Relations

Deputy Chairman


Head of the Sustainability and Energy Transition Office



Director of the Environmental Protection Office



Head of the Financial Control and Risk and Compliance Management Officei Zgodnością



Chief Economist



Representatives of other areas (refinery, petrochemicals, power generation, business development, etc.) will be invited to meetings on an as-needed basis, depending on the topics discussed.

The Supervisory Board exercises ongoing supervision of all areas of the company’s operations. Two committees, namely the Strategy and Development Committee and the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, deal with sustainability and climate-related issues as part of their remit.
