Changes in the Supervisory Board of PKN ORLEN
On November 23rd 2015, the Minister of the Polish State Treasury, acting on behalf of the State Treasury as a shareholder, removed Mr Maciej Bałtowski from the Supervisory Board of PKN ORLEN. At the same time, Mr Remigiusz Nowakowski was appointed as Member of the Supervisory Board. The changes were made pursuant to Art. 8.2.1 of PKN ORLEN’s Articles of Association.
Mr Remigiusz Nowakowski
Graduated from the Wrocław University of Economics, Faculty of Business Management and Computer Science, Enterprise Management as well as from the University of Wrocław, Faculty of Law and Administration, Commercial Law. PhD student at the Wrocław University of Economics, Faculty of Business Management, IT, Finance, Division of Strategy and Management Methods.
In 2002-2006 CEO and co-owner of consulting company INERCON Sp. z o.o., advising to mergers and acquisitions in energy and utilities sector in Poland.
In 2006-2008 Member and Vice-president of the Management Board, Development Department Director at TAURON Polska Energia SA as well as CEO at EnergiaPro Koncern Energetyczny SA. Involved in realization of the key restructuring projects in Polish electro-energy sector, ie. consolidation of energy companies from the TAURON group and unbundling process realization as well as setting up of operators dealing with electricity distribution in TAURON group.
Since 2008 in FORTUM energy company, holding various managerial positions. Currently Head of Fuels Production Optimisation and Management and the Proxy in Fortum Power and Heat Polska sp. z o.o., the proxy in the capital group companies. In 2008-2012 responsible for development of new investments in building of Fortum heat and power plant in Poland, in particular through management of development process of CHP investment, obtaining of administrative permits, obtaining of energy and gas connections conditions, selecting of contractors of main technological equipment of heat and power plant. From December 2012 till August 2015 he supervised a business function of Fuels Production Optimisation and Management at Heat Fortum Division in Poland, responsible in particular for creating and implementation of fuels supplies strategy for Fortum in Poland, coordination of fuels purchase, electricity and heat production planning and optimization in heat and power plants, analysis of energy market and forecasts of market trends. Since September 2015 Head of Production Optimisation, Heat Electricity Sales and Solutions Division.
Mr Remigiusz Nowakowski has extensive experience in the area of preparation and development of investment projects, design and implementation of public-private partnership models as well as creation and realization of development strategy in energy and heat sectors in Poland, including, in particular, strategic management in the areas of investments and fuels management in energy companies.