
PKN ORLEN looking for new opportunities to expand business abroad

​Daniel Obajtek, the CEO and President of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN, has met with Mr Ludovic Orban, the Prime Minister of Romania, and Mr Virgil-Danel Popescu, the Romanian Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment. The purpose of PKN ORLEN CEO’s visit to Romania is to strengthen mutual relations and identify potential business opportunities for the Polish oil major and petrochemical producer on that market.

“The difficult environment in which we are currently operating is not only a huge challenge, but also an opportunity that can spur further development. We are a serious business partner for European players, which means we must remain open to potential opportunities for further strengthening of our business. We keep looking for and exploring attractive growth options. I think my meeting in Romania has been successful in terms of possible advancement of the Company’s strategic plans,” says Daniel Obajtek, President of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN.

“Poland and Romania are bound by ties of friendship and partnership, and by the common values we share. The relations between our two governments are also very good. As far as the economic relations are concerned, Polish businesses are present on the Romanian market, there is a lot of Polish investment and we are happy about that. We are also pleased that regional players of such stature as PKN ORLEN are interested in the Romanian market. I hope today’s meeting with Mr Obajtek will pave the way to our further potential cooperation,” says Ludovic Orban, the Prime Minister of Romania.

The talks revolved mainly around PKN ORLEN’s strategy of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and challenges associated with the energy transition.

The ORLEN Group’s products have been present on the Romanian market for about seven years, including mainly bitumen and certain petrochemicals, such as acetone, polyethylene, polypropylene and PTA.