ORLEN Group to double the number of its service stations in Slovakia
ORLEN Group is going to add 25 new locations to its network of service stations in Slovakia. As a result of the agreement signed by PKN ORLEN, the Company will own a total of 47 stations and will reinforce its position among fuel retailers in this market. The new stations will be located throughout Slovakia, including in Bratislava and Košice, which will help to further build recognition of the ORLEN brand.
- We have been consistently implementing the ORLEN Group strategy, investing in a dynamic expansion of the fuel station network not only in Poland but also across the region. One of the strategic and natural growth directions in this area is Slovakia. Investments in service station networks outside Poland are an important element of enhancing international recognition of the ORLEN brand and our business standing. Especially that we already have a 14.5 percent share of the wholesale market in Slovakia. Additionally, following completion of the merger with Grupa LOTOS, we will add 41 stations to our chain in this country, thus reinforcing ORLEN Group's strong market position. In the near future, we plan further investments in the region and expect to acquire another 100 stations - said Daniel Obajtek, President of the PKN ORLEN Management Board.
An agreement to acquire 25 service stations in Slovakia has already been signed. The acquisition process is expected to begin in June this year, after the transaction is cleared by the Slovak anti-trust authority. All the service stations in Slovakia will ultimately operate under the ORLEN brand following a gradual rebranding process.
- Since we entered the Slovak market, we have been consistently increasing the number of our service stations, which makes us one of the fastest growing networks in this country. After this transaction is completed, we will be among the top five players in the region. In this way, we provide customers in the region with fuels of proven high quality, as well as with access to state-of-the-art retail solutions. This is what the ORLEN brand guarantees - says Tomasz Wiatrak, President of ORLEN Unipetrol, responsible for the Slovak market at the ORLEN Group.
The 25 new locations in Slovakia to be acquired by the ORLEN Group are express, i.e. self-service stations. Given their nature, they are intended to operate under the ORLEN Express brand. Motorists will ultimately get access to the full range of VERVA and EFECTA fuels. They will be able to pay for fuel with payment or fuel cards using a special panel next to the fuel dispenser.
The service station acquisition processes carried out by the ORLEN Group complement the efforts to build a single strong multi-utility group enjoying a strong competitive position in Central and Eastern Europe. At the same time, implementation of the remedies as part of the merger process between PKN ORLEN and Grupa LOTOS means entering a new market by acquiring 144 service stations in Hungary, and further strengthening of ORLEN’s position in Slovakia with the purchase of as many as 41 service stations. This means that once all the announced acquisition plans are carried into effect, a total of 88 ORLEN Group stations will operate in Slovakia. By the end of 2030, the ORLEN retail network in Central and Eastern Europe is to comprise at least 3,500 locations, of which the share of foreign stations is to go up from 37% to 45%.