ORBITON 65/105-80 HIMA

Reference standard: PN-EN 14023:2011/Ap2:2020-02

Description of the product

ORBITON 65/105-80 HiMA (“soft HiMA”) is mainly suitable for wearing courses made of BBTM, AUTL, DSH, PA, SMA and special technologies, e.g. SAMI courses (“hot spray” application). Due to its top fatigue properties, it can be a component of anti-fatigue (AF) layers in the perpetual pavements concept. Another application of this binder is the production of bituminous emulsions intended for the slurry seal or surface dressing. Where high water tightness and elasticity is needed, ORBITON 65/105-80 HiMA may be used for the mastic asphalt MA.​


Property Unit Test method Requrement
Penetration at 25°C
0.1 mm EN 1426 65 - 105
Softening point​ °C EN 1427 ≥ 80
Cohesion / Force ductility tested using ductilometer (50 mm/min) J/cm² EN 13589
EN 13703
≥ 1 at 5°C
Resistance to hardening | Change of mass
% EN 12607-1 ≤ 0.5
Resistance to hardening | Retained penetration at 25°C
% EN 12607-1 ≥ 60
Resistance to hardening | Softening point increase
°C EN 12607-1 ≤ 8
Flash point
°C EN ISO 2592 ≥ 235
Fraass breaking point
°C EN 12593 ≤ -18
Elastic recovery at 25°C % EN 13398 ≥ 80
Plasticity range
EN 14023
​Drop in softening point​ after EN 12607-1
EN 1427 TBR
Elastic recovery at 25°C after EN 12607-1
% EN 13398 ​≥ 70
Storage stability – difference in softening point ​​​°C EN 13399
EN 1427
≤ 5
​Storage stability – difference​ in penetration
0.1 mm ​EN 13399
EN 14276

* change of mass may be a positive or negative value
NR – No Requirement
TBR – To Be Reported