No. 168/2010  | 08-10-2010

KPMG Audyt has been appointed as a qualified auditor of unconsolidated PKN ORLEN financial statements and consolidated financial statements of PKN ORLEN Capital Group for years 2011 and 2012.

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”, “Company”) announces that the PKN ORLEN Supervisory Board, in accordance with par. 8 item 11 point 5 of the Company’s Articles of Association, at the meeting held on 7 October 2010, has appointed KPMG Audyt Sp. z o.o., headquartered in Warsaw, Chlodna 51 Street, Poland (“KPMG Audyt”), as a qualified auditor of unconsolidated PKN ORLEN financial statements and consolidated financial statements of PKN ORLEN Capital Group for years 2011 and 2012.

KPMG Audyt is entered under the number 428, onto the list of entities entitled to carry out the audit of financial statements, maintained by the National Council of Statutory Auditors.

KPMG Audyt audited and reviewed unconsolidated PKN ORLEN financial statements and consolidated financial statements of PKN ORLEN Capital Group for years 2005-2010. KPMG Audyt in the same period audited and reviewed financial statements of some companies from PKN ORLEN Capital Group. Moreover, in this period of time, KPMG Audyt provided additional services to PKN ORLEN and to some of PKN ORLEN Capital Group companies within the scope which did not limited the level of impartiality and independence of auditor.

See also: regulatory announcement no 181/2009 dated 9 December 2009, regulatory announcement no 53/2007 dated 23 August 2007 and no 12/2005 dated 21 January 2005.