No. 19/2018  |  07-02-2018

Supplement to the information on appointment of Mr Józef Węgrecki to the PKN ORLEN S.A. authorities

PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Company”), as a supplement to the regulatory announcements no 16/2018 and 17/2018 as of 5 February 2018, announces curriculum vitae of Mr Józef Węgrecki appointed to PKN ORLEN S.A. authorities.

Mr Józef Węgrecki

1973 - 1978 AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow; Faculty: Mining and Geology Machinery

Professional experience:
06/2017 – currently Energa  Wytwarzanie S.A. – Vice-President of Management Board
04/1993 - 06/2017 Remak-Krak Sp. z o.o. – President of the Company, Management Board Member, Co-funder
1990-1993 Remak Opole Employee-owned company – Vice-President of the Company, Management Board Member 
1978-1990 Repair Facility of Energetyka Krakow

Authorization to become the Supervisory Boards member in the state-owned companies 

Monitoring and analysis of the latest technical solutions in energy. Specialization alternative energy sources and possibility of their implementation in the industry 

Mr Józef Węgrecki submitted a statement that he is involved in the activity competitive with PKN ORLEN S.A. as he is a Vice-President of Energa Wytwarzanie S.A.

Mr Józef Węgrecki is not on the list of insolvent debtors kept on record on the National Court Register Act.

See also: regulatory announcements no 16/2018 and 17/2018 as of 5 February 2018.