PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs that on 24 April 2019 the Company’s Management Board decided to realize an investment task “Research and Development Centre in Płock” (“RDC”) and the Company’s Supervisory Board gave consent to assumption of liabilities by the Company under the agreement on building of RDC. Next PKN ORLEN has concluded an agreement with Budimex S.A. on building of Research and Development Centre in Płock. The maximum value of the agreement will amount to ca. PLN 167 m and the total cost of the investment ca. PLN 184 m. The finalization of the investment is planned by the end of 2020.
Research and Development Centre in Płock is a necessary part of the PKN ORLEN program of petrochemical segment development and completion of research infrastructure of ORLEN Group. It will be a place to realize the research and to support the other projects included in the Program as well as the further extension of the value chain of petrochemical production announced in PKN ORLEN strategy. It will be also a place to realize the research in the other areas of ORLEN Group activity.
See also: regulatory announcement no 69/2018 as of 12 June 2018.