No. 31/2019  |  03-07-2019

PKN ORLEN submitted to the European Commission a notification for concentration regarding the planned taking capital control indirectly or directly over Grupa Lotos S.A. by PKN ORLEN S.A.

PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs that on 3 July 2019 it submitted to the European Commission a notification for concentration (“Notification”) regarding the planned taking capital control indirectly or directly over Grupa Lotos S.A. headquartered in Gdansk (“Grupa Lotos”) by PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Transaction”).
Notification, submitted today by the Company, initiates the formal proceedings regarding control of concentration.
Notification includes, apart from the description of the parties and Transaction assumptions, description of parties activity on the certain markets and presents arguments on the influence of the Transaction on the competition on that markets. There has been enclosed a set of internal documents of both companies, that should allow the European Commission to verify the accuracy of the presented arguments.
See also: regulatory announcement no 26/2018 dated 27 February 2018 and regulatory announcement no 106/2018 dated 30 November 2018.