No. 13/2020  |  18-03-2020

PKN ORLEN Management Board proposal regarding distribution of the Company’s net profit for 2019

PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs that the Company’s Management Board decided to propose to the Company’s Ordinary General Meeting to divide PKN ORLEN’s net profit for 2019 in the amount of PLN 4 813 592 019,09 in the following way:

- the amount of PLN 1 283 127 183,00 - for the dividend payment (PLN 3 per share),
- the remaining amount of PLN 3 530 464 836,09 - for the Company’s supplementary capital.

PKN ORLEN Management Board proposes 14 July 2020 as the dividend day and 28 July 2020 as the dividend payment date.

The Management Board recommendation will be presented to PKN ORLEN’s Ordinary General Meeting, which will make the final decision in this issue.​