No. 38/2020  |  05-06-2020

Decision of the Ordinary General Meeting regarding the distribution of profit for 2019

PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Company”) announces that the Ordinary General Meeting of PKN ORLEN S.A. as of 5 June 2020, having previously examined the motion of the Management Board, decided to divide PKN ORLEN’s net profit for 2019 in the amount of PLN 4 813 592 019,09 in the following way:

- the amount of PLN 427 709 061,00 - for the dividend payment (PLN 1,00 per share),
- the remaining amount of PLN 4 385 882 958,09 - for the Company’s supplementary capital.

Ordinary General Meeting of PKN ORLEN determined:
- 14 July 2020 as the dividend day and 
- 28 July 2020 as the dividend payment date.

All Company’s shares are covered by the dividend payout (427 709 061 shares).​