No. 18/2022  |  18-05-2022  |  15:34

Change in the proposed date of dividend day regarding distribution of the Company’s net profit for 2021

PKN ORLEN Management Board (“Company”) hereby informs that due to the ongoing investment processes in the ORLEN Group, it has decided to change the proposed dividend day from 10 August 2022 to 27 July 2022. The remaining scope of the proposal for the distribution of the Company's net profit for 2021, published on 30 March 2022, is unchanged. 

The Company’s Supervisory Board gave a positive opinion on the motion of the Company’s Management Board regarding the change of the dividend day. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board resolutions adopted in this matter, which will be presented to the Shareholders on Company’s Ordinary General Meeting convened for 25 May 2022, are attached to this regulatory announcement. 


PKN ORLEN Management Board proposal regarding distribution of the Company’s net profit for 2021 in the new wording:

“PKN ORLEN Management Board decided to propose to the Company’s Ordinary General Meeting to divide PKN ORLEN’s net profit for 2021 in the amount of PLN 8 397 702 761,43 in the following way:

- the amount of PLN 1 496 981 713,50 - for the dividend payment (PLN 3,50 per share),

- the remaining amount of PLN 6 900 721 047,93 - for the Company’s supplementary capital.

PKN ORLEN Management Board proposes 27 July 2022 as the dividend day and 3 October 2022 as the dividend payment date.

The Management Board recommendation will be presented to PKN ORLEN’s Ordinary General Meeting, which will make the final decision in this issue.”

See also: regulatory announcement no 12/2022 as of 30 March 2022.