No. 67/2022 | 07-10-2022 | 15:55
Disclosure of delayed inside information regarding new deadline for finalization of the investment - extension of fertilizers production capacities at ANWIL
PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Company”) discloses the following inside information, publication of which was delayed on 31 August 2022:
“On 31 August 2022 there has been signed between ANWIL S.A. and Tecnimont S.p.A. a memorandum of understanding (“MoU”), on the base of which there will be prepared an annex to the agreement with Tecnimont S.p.A. as of 28 June 2019 for design, deliveries and building “in turn key” formula a granulation unit in ANWIL S.A. in Wloclawek (“Annex to the Agreement”). The main provisions of MoU that will be finally implemented in the Annex to the Agreement, caused the change of the date of finalizing of the building of granulation unit in ANWIL for the end of June 2023 and its start-up by the end of July 2023.
Implementation of the MoU provisions to the Annex to the Agreement, including a new schedule for finalizing of the investment, is subject to the certain corporate approvals of ANWIL S.A.
The agreement with Tecnimont S.p.A. is one of the three most important contracts concluded within the frames of the extension of fertilizers production capacities in ANWIL S.A.
PKN ORLEN owns 100% of the registered capital of ANWIL S.A.
See also: regulatory announcement no 53/2021 dated 20 December 2021, no 52/2021 dated 20 December 2021, 36/2019 dated 12 September 2019, no 30/2019 dated 28 June 2019, no 9/2019 dated 24 April 2019 and no 107/2018 dated 14 December 2018.”