No. 78/2022  |  10-11-2022  |  15:10

National Support Centre for Agriculture representation of will of not exercising the right to acquire PKN ORLEN merger shares issued to be allocated to PGNiG shareholders

PKN ORLEN S.A. („Company”) informs that on the basis of information published on 10 November 2022 on the webpage of National Support Centre for Agriculture (“KOWR”) in Public Information Bulletin it has been informed that KOWR did not exercise its right under provisions of the Act on the Structuring of the Agrarian System as of 11 April 2003 (unified text as of 13 January 2022; Journal of Laws of 2022, No. 461) to acquire 534 494 124 ordinary series F shares with a nominal value of PLN 1,25 each, with a total nominal value of PLN 668 117 655 (“Series F shares”) issued by the Company in connection with the merger between the Company and Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A. („PGNiG S.A.”), to be allocated by PKN ORLEN to PGNiG S.A. shareholders.


Submission by the KOWR of the above mentioned representation of will was one of the condition to register Series F shares by the Central Securities Depository of Poland, about which the Company informed in the regulatory announcement no 74/2022 dated 4 November 2022.


See also: regulatory announcement no 44/2020 as of 14 July 2020, no 45/2020 as of 14 July 2020, no 46/2020 as of 23 July 2020, no 20/2021 as of 10 May 2021, no 21/2021 as of 12 May 2021, no 22/2021 as of 12 May 2021, no 11/2022  as of 16 March 2022, no 37/2022 as of 29 July 2022, no 46/2022 as of 12 August 2022, no 51/2022 as of 25 August 2022, no 52/2022 as of 25 August 2022, no 53/2022 as of 26 August 2022, no 56/2022 as of 12 September 2022, 59/2022 as of 27 September 2022, 60/2022 as of 27 September 2022, 64/2022 as of 30 September 2022, 65/2022 as of 30 September 2022, 72/2022 as of 2 November 2022 and 74/2022 as of 4 November 2022.