No. 28/2023 | 21-06-2023 | 18:19
Decision of the Ordinary General Meeting regarding dividend payment for 2022
PKN ORLEN S.A. (“Company”) announces that the Ordinary General Meeting of PKN ORLEN S.A. as of 21 June 2023, having previously examined the motion of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board’s endorsement, decided to divide PKN ORLEN’s net profit for 2022 in the amount of PLN 27 261 937 353,96 in the following way:
- the amount of PLN 6 385 181 269,50 - for the dividend payment (PLN 5,50 per share),
- the remaining amount of PLN 20 876 756 084,46 - for the Company’s supplementary capital.
The Ordinary General Meeting of PKN ORLEN determined:
- 10 August 2023 as the dividend day and
- 31 August 2023 as the dividend payment date.
All Company’s shares are covered by the dividend payout (1 160 942 049 shares).