Decisions of PKN ORLEN EGM


PKN ORLEN S.A. ("PKN ORLEN", “Company”) announces that Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PKN ORLEN on 5 March 2020 dismissed from the Supervisory Board Ms Małgorzata Niezgoda and appointed Mr Wojciech Jasiński as a Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Mr Dominik Kaczmarski as a member of the Supervisory Board.

Mr. Wojciech Jasiński graduated from the University of Warsaw, the Faculty of Law and Administration. In years 1972 – 1986 he worked in Płock in the National Bank of Poland (branch in Płock) and in the Town Hall, also as a legal counsel in the Tax Chamber. In years 1990 – 1991 he organised the local government in Płock Voivodship, being the Delegate of the Government’s Plenipotentiary for Local Government Reform. From 1992 to 1997 he worked in the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) at the positions of Director of: NIK’s Delegation Office in Warsaw, Finance and Budget Team and State Budget Department. In years 1997-2000 he was a Member and then a President of the Management Board of Srebrna company located in Warsaw. In years 1998 – 2000 he was a Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. From September 2000 to July 2001 he held the position of under-secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice. In years 2006 – 2007 he was a Minister of the State Treasury.

From 2001 he has been a Member of Polish Parliament (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th terms of the Parliament), where he performed the following functions: Chairman of Standing Subcommittee for the Banking System and Monetary Policy, Chairman of the Economy Committee, Chairman of the Public Finance Committee. He was also a Member of the State Treasury Committee in the Parliament.

He held the position of the President of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN S.A. from 16 December 2015 till 5 February 2018. From June 2018 till July 2019 he held the position of a Proxy of the Management Board of Energa S.A. responsible for development of investments and energy markets.

Since 25 February 2016 he is a Member of the Supervisory Board of PKO Bank Polski S.A.

Mr Dominik Kaczmarski has a Master Degree in Law at the Law and Administration Faculty at the Warsaw University. He holds the title of a Tax Advisor.

He gained the professional experience by working at the largest international advisory companies (PwC 2012 – 2014 and Deloitte 2014 - 2016) as an expert of the financial sector taxation.

From February 2016 till January 2020 he was employed in the Ministry of Finance as a Deputy Director of Sector, Local and Games Taxes Department, then as a Deputy Director and Director of Tax System Department. He participated in tightening of CIT and VAT tax system.

He held the position of the Secretary of the Council of Tax Avoidance Counteraction, the Member of the Government Board of Examiners on Tax Advising and Member of Codification Commission on General Tax Law. Currently, he is a Member of Expertise Team of Holdings Law, which is a part of Commission of Ownership Supervision Reform.

Mr Dominik Kaczmarski is an author of many publications on taxes.

Since 2020 he is a member of the Supervisory Board of Aplikacje Krytyczne Sp. z o.o.

Currently, he holds the position of the Deputy Director of Analysis and Reporting Department at the Ministry of Government Assets.

Members of the Supervisory Board of PKN ORLEN appointed today declared that they will not be involved in any activity competitive to PKN ORLEN and will not be partners of any competitive companies. They will also not be members of any board of a competitive capital company. The appointed members of the Supervisory Board stated that they are not on the list of insolvent debtors kept on record on the National Court Register Act.