
ESG - Governance

As a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”), ORLEN is required to comply with the corporate governance principles set forth in Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies. We are committed to enabling effective communication with investors, analysts and other capital market participants through a transparent information policy. We provide easy and equal access to published information.

As a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, it applies all the principles included in Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2016.

The Company is also developing the ‘ORLEN in your Portfolio’ programme, including the Investment Academy. It was launched in 2018 and is dedicated to retail investors. In 2020, the programme was joined by a sixth brokerage house, and now brings together brokerages that, combined, operate over 60% of investment accounts in Poland.

Corporate governance issues are discussed in the ‘Corporate governance’ section of the Integrated Report. The section contains the following information:

The Collective Bargaining Agreement is a social contract, being a source of labour law, that has been reached through negotiations between the Employer and Trade Unions. It is an HR constitution of sorts that sanctions a motivating and coherent remuneration and bonus system, sets standards for Employer-Employee relationships and provides norms governing an equal partnership between the Employer and Trade Unions.

The ORLEN Group has in place effective functional control, risk management and compliance supervision systems, as well as an internal audit and control function. The simultaneous operation of all those systems and functions allows the Group to exercise ongoing and effective supervision to prevent corruption, illegal bonuses or conflicts of interests.

ORLEN is committed to building an ethical work environment. In May 2021, the ‘Core Values ​​and Standards of Conduct of ORLEN’ were replaced by a new Code of Ethics. The document presents the key considerations relating to ethics at the Company. The Code of Ethics defines the values and standards of conduct which ORLEN Group employees undertake to respect: Responsibility, Progress, People, Energy and Dependability. These values have not changed.

In 2018, the ORLEN Group adopted an Anti-Corruption Policy and appointed an Anti-Corruption Compliance Officer. Our trading partners, when entering into business relationships with ORLEN, are required to become familiar with the policy and rules for counteracting corruption.

The Corporate Governance ESG indicators are presented in the Integrated Report:

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Our priority is sustainable development across all our activities, understood as care for future generations. This means that in building the ORLEN Group’s position we attach equal importance to our business and CSR agendas.



Climate governance is the central element of sustainable development at the ORLEN Group. Our management standards and systems have evolved towards strategic measures reducing the Group’s contribution to climate change and adapting business models to address the physical consequences of climate change for the Company’s assets.